This release is short and sweet, but it has some very exciting features that will boost the way you use this service. So here it goes!

Google & Facebook Login

This is an integration that will surely make you happy because it aims to save you the trouble of remembering credentials every time you log into your BatchSkipTracing account. You will now be able to link your existing BatchSkipTracing account with Google and Facebook accounts for quick login. Just login into your BatchSkipTracing account and then, under the User Settings menu, click on the ‘Connect with Google’ or ‘Connect with Facebook’ button to link it. Once the linking process is complete, log in through your Google or Facebook accounts directly without any hassles.

Activation Email for Team Members

Primary users can now trigger an activation email when adding a team member to their account. Just select the ‘Send activation email’ option when adding the user. This email informs team members about their BatchSkipTracing registration and provides them with their login credentials.